Well I just got back from my doctor's appointment this afternoon. It went surprisingly well. My doctor initially said she wanted to give me more medication to try, but I firmly stated "No, I did not want that" (I was quite proud of myself at how firm I stayed. I usually cave at my own expense). Because my headaches are now being accompanied by vomitting, she was a little concerned about that, so she had me get a bunch of blood work done to rule out some issues such as thyroid, anemia, vitamin deficiency, etc and has also ordered a CAT scan for me. Thankfully I can get the CAT scan done at Misericordia (which is where I go to school), so it's nice and convenient for scheduling. I should be hearing back in the next few days as to when my CAT scan appointment is and I will keep you all posted.
Thanks to those who were praying for me. I feel like I am finally making some headway in terms of figuring out what is going on with my body.
Hi Kara,
Thanks for the update on your doctor's appointment. My prayers for you will continue. Be sure to let me know when the CAT scan is. Hope to see you Saturday.
Stationery Scoop
Way to be firm with the doctor! It's so hard sometimes not to just give in, because - after all - they're your doctor.
Was thinking of you lots today, so thanks for the update! Will continue to pray for relief from the throbbing!! Love you!
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