Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Commitments and Friends

I have had the most wonderful 2 days. It has been a welcomed change in comparison to the last week or so. Yesterday I was able to enjoy the beautiful summer weather by sitting outside on patios drinking delicious Pumpkin Spice Latte's at Second Cup. I found myself there 3 times in one day. I am trying to be more spontaneous in my life and yesterday and today were perfect examples of that spontanaety. Two out of the three visits to the same Second Cup yesterday were not planned, but that is just where I ended up with either friends or just by myself for a morning coffee. Nonetheless, it was wonderful and very much welcomed.

My one planned coffee date yesterday with Mary was absolutely wonderful. I love her dearly. I love walking away from a conversation like that feeling refreshed and hopeful. We shared many laughs and yet she challenged me in a place where I needed to be challenged and that makes me feel good. I am so blessed that I have people like Mary in my life who mentor me, who challenge me, who call me on things that need improving and who just love me for me.

Tonight I had a spontaneous "Friesen Gathering" with Kristy and Sabrina (we are all attempting to be more spontaneous in our lives and this was a very good first attempt because we planned this little gathering in only an hour prior to its start time - pretty impressive). Again, wonderful women. I enjoy being able to sit down, laugh a ton and yet discuss the important things going on in our lives - both the celebrations and the struggles. These women are pretty incredible people who desire to serve Christ in whatever capacity that they are able and I walk away with no choice but to feel inspired and invigorated to do the same. I value and cherish the authencity that we share.

That brings me to my next thought. I have made a committment this fall I suppose you could say. My life is busy (as most people's are) and my time is a very valuable thing these days. I have a hard time when I spread myself so thinly across various activities and relationships. I end up feeling tired and it becomes more of a chore rather than a pure delight. So, I have decided that I am going to invest what little time I do have into the relationships that inspire, nourish and fulfill me. I don't want this to come across as being "snobby". I hope that is not how it is interpretted. I am choosing to strengthen relationships in my life so that I don't burn out. I desire authenticity and realness.

Well it is getting to be a longer post than I previously anticipated and it's getting late, so those are some of my thoughts.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go on being spontaneous! You're my kind of girl...I have to "practice" at being spontaneous too. Recently, I spontaneously decided not make supper, which was awesome because I gained back an hour of time, but not so awesome when everyone came home hungry! Oh well, baby steps! :)

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