Thursday, September 27, 2007


Last night, Kristy, Aimee, Deanna, Laurie and myself got together to watch America's Next Top Model. What a wonderful show! I love being able to get together with friends and sit and watch a tv show together, do a bit of catching up and then go home. There is something neat about having a very low key evening where nothing really has to be planned and it's ok if there isn't a lot of talking amongst each other (don't get me wrong, we definitely did talk during commercials, but it was just so relaxed).

Thanks Aimee for letting us come and crash your place!

Andrew (Aimee's husband) was responsible for the snacks and let me tell you, he did a very fine job! We were not lacking in the chips department. I think we had 5 different kinds of chips, some onion dip, licorice and drinks. We were well taken care of.

My vote for the winner at this point in the competition is Lisa.

1 comment:

Josh and Laurie Pauls said...

That was a great time! We'll definitely have to do that again!! This time I'll bring my camera and blog about it. LOVE IT!!! I hope you have a great week! Praying that you find relief from the headaches.
(Thanks for commenting on my blog!)
Love ya!