Friday, January 27, 2012

That's it! Back to Portugal!

As of a couple weeks ago, it became official. July 7 I will be returning to Portugal on ACTION for 6 weeks through MB Mission. I am so incredibly pumped and feel so blessed that this opportunity has come my way. One of the differences this time is that I will be the team leader. I've never really considered myself to be a confident leader in the past, but I feel like this is an area God is challenging me to grow in and instead of it being a terrifying thought, it is actually pretty exciting to think about. More on that another day though.

So, I am headed into another season of fundraising (another skill that I have not yet developed). Oh the joys. But I'm going at it with a new angle with a Coffee House Fundraiser. Here are the details:

Sunday April 29, 2012
2:00 - 5:00pm at Sam's Place

Tickets are $10 - can be purchased through me. There will be some sweet silent auction prizes to bid on. The coffee and the food will be delicious and I there will be some awesome live music. I will also be sharing at some point through the afternoon about what I will be doing in Portugal and how God is moving in that country. It's going to be a pretty great afternoon, so if you would like to support a great cause and enjoy some good food and good fellowship, this is an afternoon you won't want to miss!

Monday, January 16, 2012

The BC Recap

To say that my time in BC last week was awesome, would be an understatement. My time in BC was incredible. It wasn't what I would call a relaxing holiday where I found myself basking in the sun or reading all day (although there were lovely moments of reading throughout the week). The days were jammed full with re-connecting with people, late night Rock Band parties, volleyball games, breakfasts, dinners, play dates at the park, etc. Like I said, it was a busy week, but it was such a good week - a week that was oh so good for my soul. 

Perusing Ikea with Brad and Carla - unfortunately that lovely picture they are holding was promptly returned after it did not fit in the car. Humorous and annoyance all at once.
I did spend a good chunk of time at Starbucks while people worked and were in classes.  I had some beautiful moments reading and journalling.

Something about seeing the beauty of these mountains gets me every time.

Due to a ridiculous amount of gift cards for restaurants we all received over the holidays, we decided to indulge in a night of food. Think of it as kind of like a pub crawl, minus the pub.
First up was belinis and dinner at Milestones

Followed by belinis and appetizers at Cactus Club.

Nothing beats a Cactus Club belini.

There were also many a nights and days where we filled up our time playing Rock Band. What can I say, some of us were just born to rock :)

 But the primary purpose of my visit were these wonderful people:

Otto and Marjorie are currently on their Ministry In North America (MINA) and as such, they needed to head over to the Abbotsford head office for some meetings. Seeing as a good chunk of our team currently resides in Abbotsford, Aleah and I decided to make the trek out to re-connect. We hung together over breakfast, enjoyed hearing their report on Portugal at MB Mission and spent an evening at the Mark Centre just chatting. My left BC full.

Hearing one of Otto's sermons. They have been missed.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Ringing in the New Year.

New Year's Eve was the perfect mix of activity and low key. I got together with a few friends to do some skating at the Assiniboine Park Duck Pond (I forgot how much fun skating can be) and then headed over to Darren & Pam's for some delicious food, good wine and fun games. The countdown to New Years was a little anti-climatic as we momentarily paused our game to wish each other a happy new year. The evening in its entirety was absolutely perfect. 

beautiful ladies

As I set the timer on my camera and hurried to get into the photo, I didn't quite make it.  Going down stairs on skates and posing for a picture in 10 seconds is easier said than done :)


55. 4 minute drives to work
56. Santa costumes for cats.
57. Immanuel, God with us!
58. Surprise coffee deliveries on my first day of work.
59. Technology that works when you need it to.
60. snail mail surprises.
61. cozy wool sweaters on cold winter days
62. a work environment where you start off the day with reading scripture together.
63. medication that takes the edge off the pain of a throbbing headache.
64. jobs that allow me day time at home by myself.
65. worshipping on the floor.
66. falling snow.
67. plug in heaters that warm up a cold basement bedroom.
68. gift exchanges.
69. magazines that show up in the mailbox that provide me with a few moments of relaxation.
70. unexpected gift cards
71. work welcome parties accompanied with delicious, savory food - just my style.
72. re-connections with extended family.
73. sushi with cousins.
74. slushy weather that leaves your car disgustingly dirty because that means the weather is not frigidly cold.
75. days of true rest, even if it's because of a stomach flu.
76. skating under christmas lights on a pond all lit up.
77. delicious potluck spreads.
78. laughing so hard your jaw hurts by the end of the evening.
79. portzelky and hot apple cider.
80. shopping dates with my mom and sister.
81. clean rooms.
82. the anticipation of upcoming travelling adventures and the chance to return to Portugal.
83. for the ability to feast in the joy and grace of Christ a midst the darkness and the unexpected.
84. feasting at the table of the Lord in the shadow of the cross.
85. new and cozy scarves.
86. fur-lined hoods that keep you toasty warm when the wind howls and the cold bites.

 Happy New Year!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

So Long 2011

2011 was a pretty awesome year. It held its challenges, tears, surprises and awesomeness. Here are some of my highlights from each month:


  • I rang in the New Year in downtown Lisbon, which was memorable to say the least. It was by far the best fireworks I have ever seen!

  •  I spent a January day on a Portugal beach, celebrating Heidi's birthday. 


  • I Experienced what is like for my heart to truly break for a country.


  • We had our mid-term retreat in Vila Nova Milfontes.

  • I enjoyed my first European soccer game


  • I enjoyed 30 degree weather in April.


  • I crammed last minute sites in before leaving Portugal

  • I learned what obedience to the Lord looks like in my life.


  •  I had the opportunity to experience true Fado music.

  • I said goodbye to Portugal, which was definitely bittersweet, but the highlight is that it was one of the most profound and life changing experiences of my life. 

  • There was re-connecting with fellow Trekkers in Abbotsford for debrief.


  • Derek and Courtney got married!

  • I had surgery on my wrist


  • I did the yearly Rainbow Stage thing with the girls in my family. This year was Hairspray!

  •  There was a shopping trip to Minneapolis


  • I started work at the clinic again. Reconnecting with the Fixed crew is always a good time.


  • I turned 27 this year. Late twenties, here I come!

  • I experienced the awesomeness that is Laser Tag.

  • I was acquainted with Ann Voskamp and her book, "A Thousand Gifts".


  • I got a new job working with MB Mission. I get paid to get people excited and passionate about missions and what God is doing across the globe! Talk about life giving!
  • I got to road trip to Calgary to meet up with my TREK girls. 


  • I had the amazing opportunity to take part in the MB Mission Staff Summit.
  • I Surprised Carla and Heidi in Abbotsford.

And those are a few of the highlights of 2011 in a nutshell. I have high hopes for 2012. I have a hunch this next year is going to bring amazing new adventures, exciting challenges and growing pains that will be both hard and rich experiences. Welcome 2012!
