Thursday, June 26, 2008

In Memory

Early this morning my Grandpa finally passed away. He has been struggling for the past 2 months, proving the doctors wrong everytime they said he was going. In the last 2 days he took an exceptional turn for the worse and this morning his battle finally ended.
There is a lot that is going on with the family right now. I am praying that siblings will stick by each other and put their differences aside for the next few days. I am praying that Hate for each other will not consume the hearts of family. It's a sad situation, but glad that Grandpa is no longer in pain and that things may finally be dealt with after years of being withheld.
The funeral will be on Monday or Wednesday of next week, so in the meantime there is a lot of garbage that needs to be sorted through. So if you think of me and my family, please pray for peace and grace to be evident amongst the family members.


Raquel said...

sorry to hear about your grandpa. I'll be praying for your family during this hard time and for unity.

Jessica said...

you family is being prayed for.

Christine said...

So sorry to hear about your grandpa. My grandpa's passing is still pretty fresh....praying for you and your family.