Thursday, April 17, 2008


Tonight I have to do a hard thing. I just got a phone call from my mom. It appears that I must go and say a final goodbye to my Grandpa tonight. He is not doing well - and he hasn't been well for the past year. Cancer has invaded his body. My Grandpa and I are not close - he never really spent any time getting to know us grandkids or investing in the things that mattered to us. Despite his his not having a huge impact on my life, it is still hard to say goodbye - it will be weird to spend family gatherings together and not see his face.

There is a lot of turmoil on this side of the family right now - a lot of craziness that has gone on. Relationships have been destroyed and it hurts to see that going on. My grandpa being as sick as he has been lately has created even more rifts in the family.

If you think of me and my family in the next few days, we could use prayer as there is a lot of healing that needs to happen - both physically, emotionally and spiritually and this is stuff only God can transform. I know it is time for my Grandpa to go, but I hope that his going does not cause more pain within the family.


Amber said...

Aw Kara, that's so tough. Praying for you and your family today...God can move mountains with just a whisper, praying that His presence & power is felt in the next few days, weeks and months within your family.

Jessica said...

Definitely praying for family healing in all areas. And strength for you.

Thiessen said...

We'll be praying for you and the fam!


Sabrina said...

Hey Kara...just read about grandpa. That is tough stuff. Thinking of you and the family.

Janessa said...

thank you for your prayers, they are much appreciated.
and you and your family will be in mine also!

Janelle said...

thinking of you!!