It's only noon and my headache is already a killer and I had to leave school. This semester is already off to a good start (note my sarcasm in that last statement). Since Friday of last week my headaches have been back with a vengence so it seems. The medication has not been working its normal magic and its a little frustrating. Perhaps it might be time to make another appointment with my doctor or naturalpath to figure out what the next step could be because I don't really want to be on this medication long term anyway. It's too expensive for it to be a long term treatment plan.
As of yesterday I began my last and final semester of school. I am a senior now and it feels great. The light at the end of the tunnel seems to be shining a little brighter than it has been. It's crazy to think that in the next couple of months I will be needing to find a job and not just a temporary "high school" sort of job but my career. It's a little scary and overwhelming at times as the student life does have its perks, but there is also a ton of excitement welling up inside of me. It will be wonderful to have a disposable income again, live in my own place, finally own a car and all of the other great stuff that goes along with becoming a "full fledged adult" like paying bills.
Well I think right now I am going to go and take advantage of the "student life" by going to lay down and take a nap. I'm guessing that once I start working full time I won't have the opportunity to come home in the midde of the day to take a nap. That's just a hunch though :)
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