Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Asleep at the Switch

Volleyball is officially in full swing. It's exciting. I haven't played in that gym for 6 years and I thought it might be tough going back in there, but I am surprised at how natural it was. The girls I am coaching seem like a really great bunch of girls - they are good players too! I think it's going to be an awesome season together.

Back in July, Sabrina and I were having a conversation one day about our various gifts and how to use them. At that particular moment in time I was feeling compelled to have the opportunity to work with some girls in junior high. Normally this not the age group I am drawn to, but I felt as though God was laying this on my heart. Currently there is no formal youth group at our church and the activities planned for girls in the grade 7-9 age range already have a fabulous program and leaders, so I thought, well God, where do you want me to be???
It wasn't until this past weekend, I was doing some reflecting when I realized God provided a way for me to be with a group of girls in Grade 9. I had completely overlooked the fact that I am coaching volleyball to grade 9 girls!! I immediately got excited. It's as if it dawned on me for the first time!! Sometimes I think I am asleep at the switch.

I remember those junior high years very well - although sometimes I would rather not remember them. Junior high is a crucial time in a kid's life. There are so many changes that are going on - physical, emotional, hormonal, spiritual. You are desperately trying to find your way and figure out where you fit in. I was soooo lucky to have some amazing mentors through those years who helped me survive the hell I created for myself. It's neat to be able to think that in the next few months as I interact with these girls and form relationships with them, that I will get to be a part of their lives and hopefully be a person with whom they can look up to or at least trust in. That may be asking a lot and perhaps I ought to take things slow and let God do the leading, but I am praying that I can show these girls a different view of Jesus through coaching.

I have been praying relentlessly over the past few months to be inspired and to be pushed beyond my comfortable boundaries to embrace all that God has planned for me. God is definitely good and I am pumped to see where this goes. I feel as though these next few months are going to be inspiring ones!


Aimee said...

That's exciting that you are coaching volleyball. I know that the girls on the team will love you!!! Hope you have lots of fun with this.

Amber said...

way to go w/ taking the opportunity to coach. it's exciting to hear how excited you are, i'm sure the season will be...EXCITING ;) all the best! with your heart so open & ready to be there for these girls and not 'only' be their vball coach i know that great opportunities will present themselves.

Trev and Rebekah said...

Junior High is an age that I think takes special people like you to have the energy and joy to work with them. I am excited that you are seeing how God is using you.