Friday, March 14, 2008

It's That Time...

Well, it's that time again...Exam time! I am counting down the days until school is over and I will never have to worry about another exam again! What a freeing thought. The exams are a little more spaced out from each other then usual, but that almost makes it worse as the studying seems to last longer. I suppose it should help on the marks end of things though.

The week has seem to have flown right by yet again. Not sure where the time went, but somehow it has run away on me. My "To Do" list that is forever long has not had a strike through any of the items in a couple days. The few days of beautiful warm weather had me itching to be outside rather then sitting in my room surrounded by a pile of books.
On Wednesday, Cole and I had the opportunity to walk home from school together - it had been awhile since we were able to do that due to the frigid weather we have been having.
To make the walk home a little more fun, we had a snowball fight!

The "Cheese" Face

Life has been filled with tons of busy-ness lately. It seems as though I have forgotten to take time for myself. To renew, to refresh and to feel at peace with things in my life. I find it hard to stop and take the time to just be. Yesterday Kristy reminded me to do just that. She came and kidnapped me after work to just hang out and be. We did nothing that was super exciting, but we were able to enjoy each other's presence and talk. I love that. We drank most of a pitcher of lemon lime kool-aid and ate Kraft Dinner for supper (I can't remember the last time I had that combo together. It's probably been a good 15 years) and played a shameful 1 1/2 hours of scramble on facebook. Apparently it's what we needed, plus we had fun in the process. Thanks for the kidnapping Kristy.

The weekend will be busy as well unfortunately. It is filled with all things that are good, but just an overall busy. One day at a time. Off to do some work!

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