Wednesday, December 19, 2007

FaithWorks Christmas Program

Last Saturday evening our church had its Christmas program/coffee house. It was quite a cute evening as most of the kids were the entertainment and some great Christmas carols. For those of you who know Cole, you will know that he does not like attention. He is a pretty shy kid and avoids conversation and the spotlight if at all possible. He did NOT want to be up on that stage, but with some bribing and eventually telling him he had no choice but to go up, he went with the rest of his class. He didn't say the lines that he was supposed to (I did that for him - I am his POD leader), but at least he went up! I was very proud of him.
My 4&5 year old POD group - they are like sunday school classes. They looked so adorable in their angel and shepherd costumes!

Singing their songs

I also finally completed all of my Christmas baking to give away as gifts. They turned out rather well I think. I had a lot of fun making them - even if it took awhile to get into it and complete them.

The Finished Products

1 comment:

Amber said...

your finished products look amazing!