"Be a Millionaire Day is a day everyone wants to enjoy. Everyone wants to enjoy today as a member of the millionaire club.
Okay, so a million bucks ain't what it used to be. But, it is still a lot of money. I have no doubt everyone reading this would like to join the Millionaire's Club. Then, after reaching it, you can work on your qualifications for the Billionaire's Club.
If you are a millionaire, savor and enjoy the day. If not, we offer a number of ways to participate in Be a Millionaire Day:
- Review your investments. Look for ways to improve them.
- Review your investment portfolio with a trusted investment or financial planner.
- Increase your deposits to your savings accounts.
- Start or add to your 401K. This is always a good starting point.
- Review your spending. Many Millionaires get there by a combination hard work, sound investment, and frugal spending.
- Go to a casino.
- When all else fails ,buy a lottery ticket....just one."
Growing up, I was always told that "money does not buy happiness". I was taught to give my tithes to the church and that success in life does not mean you will have lots of money. I still value each of those statements and when the time comes when I have kids, I will probably teach them something fairly similar. However, as I got older and started accumulating some debt and had bills to pay, I always thought that the people who truly believed that money does not buy happiness never really needed money or struggled with finances. How nice it would be to not have to worry about money and bills. But until then, here's to the possibility of being a Millionaire.
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