Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I had a run in with a guy tonight that is leaving me feeling extremely creepy. Here's how it went down.
This evening Jess and I were hanging out at the Starbucks on Osborne catching up (it had been since May so were in due time). Anyway, beside us was a man probably in his forty's or early 50's. He kept looking at me/us while were talking, but I thought nothing of it. It wasn't like we were talking about anything he shouldn't hear, but it was just kind of weird - weird enough that we noticed anyway. So at 10:15 I looked at my watch and said to Jess that I needed to get home to bed. So we got up to leave, threw our cups out and in the corner of my eye I noticed the man had also gotten up and was following us out. I muttered to Jess that I needed her to walk me to my car (I am sooooo thankful to Bonnie that she let me borrow her car cuz after tonight I did not want to be walking. I'm taking it as a God moment). Jess and I started making our way to my car and the guy was catching up to us. He stopped us and said the following:

Man: "Excuse me, I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable in there, I just find you extremely attractive and beautiful. I would love to have the opportunity to get to know you better."

Kara: "Thank you very much, but I am not interested at this moment."

Man: "Well, I just didn't want to pass up the opportunity to not say anything to you or get to meet you. You have a beautiful face and you have lovely feet".

Kara: (scared out of my mind right now) "ummmm.... thank you????"

Man: (begins to walk away) "Have a nice evening!" (starts to walk past my car and down the way that I would have walked had I not had a vehicle tonight.

Needless to say, I drove Jess home cuz I wasn't about to let her walk alone, even though she only lives a block away from where we were, but I was pretty creeped out and so was she I think. I am so thankful that I had her along with me and that she decided to walk to my car with me. Thanks Jess! Like I said, I am viewing this incident as the hand of God working in some mysterious and yet odd way tonight. I know I have been praying for the right guy to come along into my life, but this is not what I had in mind. I seem to attract some very strange people. Wondering if there is something about me that attracts them. Go figure! Anyway, I am all wound up and my blood is just a pumpin', but I suppose I should go upstairs and try to fall asleep.

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

So creepy! Uugh. The feet thing is a bit much. Ok, it's all a bit much. Glad you didn't have to walk home!