Saturday, February 14, 2009

Headache Update

On Friday I had an appointment with a Neuromuscular doctor to do some tests in regards to my headaches. For the last few months I have been experiencing some numbness in my left foot when my headaches get very bad. This was and still is some cause for concern, so my doctor and I have been in investigation mode in order to try and figure some stuff out. The next step in this process was to see this Neuromuscular doctor so that he could rule out some nervous system disorders such as MS (Multiple Sclerosis).

The doctor was phenomenal. For the first time in 2 years I felt as though I was being heard and making progress. What he did was test my peripheral nervous system (the nerves that supply my extremities-my hands and feet). The results weren't bad, but they weren't great. He said that I was on the low end of normal in terms of how the nerves in my feet work, but that there were no alarm signs to be overly concerned about. So that was good news. He was unable to rule out MS completely because he was not testing the central nervous system - I need another MRI to do that, but he didn't think this was MS. What a relief! He still wants me to go back to my neurologist to redo an MRI and then if that is clear, I can get some treatment for my pain and headaches in the form of injections. They are called Trigger Point Injections, which means that they would inject botox (I've always wanted to get botox :) into my neck muscles to get rid of some of the myofascial pain and relieve some of the tension in my neck that has come because of my head. A side effect of the these injections is that they cause significant bruising, so the back of my neck will be covered with bruises, but that seems like a small price to pay to minimize some of the pain I experience. This treatment isn't getting rid of the cause of my headaches, but rather a form of relief. I am down for trying anything at this stage of the game. So in the next few weeks I will see the neurologist and we'll take it from there.

That is the gist of it. I left the hospital feeling very hopeful about where things were headed. We have a plan - and that feels wonderful!!! I almost wanted to hug him because I was so happy. I actually cried tears of joy. God is good. I feel as though we are actually making some steps in the right direction. Hopefully all will continue to be well and that these injections will work to take care of the pain. I'll keep you posted.

Thank you to all of you who have been diligently praying on my behalf for these headaches. They mean a lot!


Aimee said...

Yahoo to a plan (and botox!?!)

Jessica said...

I'm so glad the doctor could come up with a move-forward action plan with you! So happy you are feeling like things are looking up. I'll continue to pray.

Thiessen said...

This is amazing! I'm so glad that you have found someone who is really working with you to help you get this stupid pain under some form of control! I really hope it works out for you Kara!! I'll keep praying!