Monday, March 15, 2010

Norah turns 2

I can't believe that this girl is 2 already. I am continually amazed at how fast time seems to pass by. Wasn't it just yesterday when I got a phone call from Kristy in Fargo saying that she was in labor? The events and the timing surrounding Norah's arrival will be hard to forget. On Saturday we had a birthday party to celebrate Norah. It was a full house - 10 adults and 8 children 2 and under.


The Birthday Girl
The kids

Some of the adults

I love this "cheese" face.

I love this picture because it says so much. It begins with Gavin and Ayla sitting on my lap to read a story. Norah becomes intrigued and wants to join in on the fun, so she proceeds to sit right on Gavin's lap. Gavin isn't so sure he likes her sitting on him, Ayla's thinking that these kids beside her are a little crazy, all the while, I continue to read the story. Haha. It makes me laugh. What a crazy bunch we are!

Finally a nice picture.

Norah I love that you love life. I love your adventurous spirit - I have no doubt that will serve you well in life. I can only imagine all the great adventures you will find yourself on. I love that you love all things kitty's, Elmo and music. I love your laughter - you bring so much joy to my life and I am sooooo lucky that I get to be an "auntie" to you. I love you very very much!


1 comment:

kerry and jo said...

Thanks for the birthday pictures! Norah is lucky to have so many Aunties to love her.