It's a quiet afternoon around the house. It's rare that the quiet moments are long enough to enjoy with so many people coming and going. Today, there is not much coming nor going. I like it. This serene atmosphere in the house presents a opportune time to sit, reflect and spend time with Jesus. I have an extra hot venti vanilla earl grey tea misto in my hand and a good novel to read and some prayer time with Jesus lined up. I'm anticipating some good moments of peace.
I must admit, that my time with Jesus has been somewhat scarce as of late, but I am hoping to turn that around. Over the past few weeks I have had the privilege of spending a fair bit of time with a friend who has felt compelled to go into this upcoming year with less of a desire to want stuff and want more of Jesus and she has challenged me to do the same. It's a powerful statement to make. Can I allow Jesus to be all I want and need? What does that look like in my life? I'm not entirely certain that I have answers for the second question yet.
I continue to crave the presence of Jesus in every part of my life - the incarnate God. Immanuel. God with us. My heart longs to see and feel the intense presence of Jesus. My day begins with praise and acknowledgement of the faithfulness Jesus has bestowed upon me - for his leading and guiding in the day to day. I pray that my eyes would be opened to the fingerprints of God throughout the day. God answers prayer. My eyes have been opened on many occasions and I have rejoiced in the discoveries of his presence. They are awestruck, life-giving, joyous moments. Is this what wanting Jesus looks like?
I admit that it has become easy to become aware and meet with Jesus in the comfort of my room. It's a safe place. There are few distractions. Jesus and I have quality time spent within those four walls. But what about in other parts of my life? Can Jesus be all that I desire and want in my workplace? Within my conversation with friends? Within my lifestyle choices? There's a beautiful sweater that I want at Gap. Does the wanting of Jesus trump my material wants? My hunch is, not always.
Over the course of the months ahead, I am striving to make Jesus all I want. To transform my life in order to be attentive to the Holy Spirit and the presence of Jesus. I desire the fruit of the spirit to seep out from every pore in my body. I have some difficult relationships to restore and forgive despite how difficult confrontation and forgiveness can be.
"Jesus, be present in all aspects of my life"

I am entering 2009 with some rather large goals and wants, but I think I can do it. There are still a few rays of sunshine beaming down through the living room window, so I'm going to soak in the sun with my puppy beside me, a good book and tea in hand and a new want in my heart.