Saturday, August 29, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
It Just Hurts
I am exhausted.
I am worn out.
I am frustrated.
I hurt.
Tuesday I found myself in the hospital with intense headache pain. Simply put, it was awful. I don't remember much from my time there. While in Assiniboine Park with a friend, I felt strange. We had been sitting down at a picnic table and when I stood up to leave, I felt dizzy and extremely nauseous. Initially I thought I had just gotten up too fast, but it didn't go away. It didn't take long before my knees were weak and I could hardly stand. The tremors began and that's the last I remember. I left the house that morning with a headache, but that is not unheard of. In fact, I always leave the house with a headache so I didn't think anything of it. I remember laying in the hospital bed feeling scared and frustrated. My breathing was hard to control. I couldn't seem to catch my breath and I panicked. After some nice shots of Demerol and Morphine to take the edge off, I started to feel better (Kristy pointed out to me that the nurse admistering the drugs in my ass was cute and very nice. At least there was one perk). Those are some very nice drugs. I had another CT Scan and bloodwork done. They all came back normal. In the end, the doctor informed me that there is absolutely nothing wrong with. I'm glad there was no mass growing on my brain, but hearing that I was completely fine sucked. I'm not fine and I wanted to yell that at the top of my lungs, but I couldn't.
In hindsight, I wonder if anxiety from this week being a hard week of remembering triggered a significant headache. It's hard to say for sure. It's possible. It could have just been a really, really bad headache. I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to get to the hospital so that doctors could see that these headaches I experience are not made up. They are real and they hurt like hell. So, what's next on the health to do list? I'm not quite sure. I have an MRI coming this fall, but in the meantime there is a lot of waiting that is needing to happen.
I don't want to wait.
I'm tired.
I am exhausted.
So where does Jesus fit into all of this? I've been practicing just "being" in the presence of Jesus as that is all I can seem to do. I have been having difficulty forming words for Jesus. It seems all I can muster up are groans, sighs and tears. Thankfully Jesus can interpret those for me. What freedom there is in knowing that I don't have to have neatly packaged and eloquently spoken prayers for Jesus to hear them. He gets my pain. He sees my hurts and He sees my tears. I don't always feel His presence near me, but I need to trust that He is here, present in this moment.
This weekend I am hoping and praying for Jesus time. For moments of healing and joy, even if they are only for a few moments. I need to trust that Jesus is enough and in His presence there is peace.
Baby Showers and Pool Time
Every baby shower needs games. Kristy came up with some goodies. The first game, we all got ice cubes with a plastic baby frozen in the middle and we had to use whatever method we wanted to get the baby out either by sucking on the ice or by holding it in our hands. When we got our baby out, we had to yell "My Water Broke".
The second game was to see how well we could multi-task. Kristy strung a clothesline up in the backyard, had a pile of baby clothes that needed to be hung up, all while talking on the phone and holding a baby. Some people were better at it than others. Apparently I am not a great mulit-tasker. Aimee and Kristen had awesome times, but in the end it was Kristen who won.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Hope in Isaiah
~ Isaiah 41: 1-20
This particular chapter stood out to me for a couple reasons. It's important to know some of the history behind this chapter. These words were spoken to Israel during a time when Assyria ruled the land and the Israelites. God has placed His people in exile because of their refusal to worship the Lord their God and their failure to do what was honoring to the eyes of God. So, Isaiah the prophet comes along and shares these words from God. The words of God are redemptive and compassionate words. Keep in mind that Israel did not deserve this love and mercy, yet God has chosen to redeem them as His people. When I read the above verses, I cannot help but become overwhelmed with majestic and sovereign nature of God. The words and His love for Israel, for us, is captivating and extravagant. That we are worthy enough to be called Children of God is indescribable. Someone in our group sent out an email last week and at the end of her encouraging words to keep plugging our way through all 66 chapters of Isaiah, she spoke these very wise words:
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The Week So Far
This week also included the girls annual evening out at Rainbow Stage. In attendance this year was my mom, Courtney, Grandma and my auntie Anny. Playing this year is Beauty and the Beast and let me just say, that it was by far one of the best productions they have ever put on. Everything was phenomenal. Our evening always begins with a greasy, but delicious supper at Kelekis - there are no better burger and fries anywhere in the city in my opinion.
Yesterday morning I got hang out with one of my favorite men in the whole world.
AND....Last but not least, I need your votes. I entered into a contest on the Ikea website to win a $15, 000 makeover. I entered our basement (as it is pretty hideous). You can vote for us here. The room is entitled Kara's Basement of Mismatch.
This weekend I am headed out to the cabin. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. If not, it will still be great.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Getting Through the Dry-spells
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
An Oldie but a Goodie
Mom loves her family and enjoys spending time together. We played games that made us laugh so hard we had tears rolling down our cheeks.
The rest of the weekend continued to be low key. The weather was finally desirable, so we took advantage of all of the outside goodness that we could.